Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Israeli gesture

The Paper of Record has as its electronic lead this morning:

As Obama Begins Trip, Arabs Want Israeli Gesture

I can't help but read gesture for its primary definition, a movement of the body/hand to express an idea or emotion. So I did a Google image search for Israeli gesture... Here's my Flarf photo essay. I call it "A tank is apparently a good platform for an Israeli Gesture"

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The Winning Order

For $102.59, or $2.59 funds laid out, I just ordered from SPD:

The Sophist, Charles Bernstein, Salt reprint.

Clampdown, Jennifer Moxley, Flood editions.
8x8x7, Colin Smith, Krupskaya books.
Debbie: an epic, Lisa Robertson, New Star books.
The Weather, Lisa Robertson, New Star books.
The Men, Lisa Robertson, Book Thug.

Thank you SPD for this gift certificate; thank you Yao Ming for the inspiration; and thank you Zack Tuck for taking my order. I apologize if my head cold made me sound less excited than I am. I am excited. I am coming to get these excellent books on Friday. This is my excited face: